I got your back.

And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians. – Exodus 14:24

Only a few days had passed since the Israelites had left Egypt. The people trekked along not knowing exactly where they were going, yet trusting that all would be well if they continued to follow the pillar of a cloud and of fire. Suddenly, the ground began to rumble, and they heard the sound of war. When they turned around, Pharaoh and his army were closing in. Hope collapsed into fear, and the Israelites began to lash out at the leader who inspired them to believe again. The past was literally chasing them down, and now the future looked more dismal than ever.

But things were not as they appeared. The Lord who went ahead of Israel in a pillar of a cloud also saw Pharaoh coming, and in a moment, He moved in the cloud from before the Israelites to behind them. The cloud grew so dark that Pharaoh and his army could not see the children of Israel, let alone reach them. At the same time, the side of the cloud facing Israel blazed as a pillar of fire. That fire burned throughout the night and protected the Israelites from behind.

There was just one problem. Israel had never seen God work from behind. They had learned to identify His tangible presence before them as the guarantee of security and stability, but no one knew what He could do from this new position. The presence of the Lord had shifted to the back, but the Children of Israel soon realized that God was still before them, because He was with Moses. They may not have been able to follow the pillar, but they could follow the leader.

As Moses stretched his hands over the sea, the winds took their cue and created a roadway on which the people of Israel journeyed all night. Walls of water kept them from turning to the right hand or the left, and a blazing fire prevented the nation from ever turning back. And since the fire of God eclipsed their view of Pharaoh, when the Israelites did look back to spot their former oppressor, they could only see God where they expected to find the enemy. Thus, they continued to walk through the sea, confident that God was there and that He had their back.

He has yours, too.

When you are accustomed to seeing God in a particular place or in a specific way and He seems to move, don't be afraid. Follow the leader He has given you, and embrace Holy Spirit as your guide. Heed His voice, keep moving forward and trust God to have your back. First, trust Him to protect you. He will not allow the enemy to destroy you or the past to control you. He is working at your back (guarding every vulnerable area) to ensure that you never know defeat and that you walk in victory as long as you walk in obedience. As you trust the Lord to protect you, trust Him to prosper you as well. God will bless you as you advance in purpose, but He may not work in a way you expect. Sometimes He works from behind as a reminder that He will prosper your lineage and legacy (those coming behind you), so be open to however He wants to bless in this season. The same God who was with Israel is with you and your seed, and He is still manifesting in fire. Trust Him, keep making progress and continue to fan the flame.

Resia Thompson